Wednesday 17 October 2012

Tutorial: How to make a Disco Ball in Photoshop

In this tutorial I would like to show how to make a nice bright, fun and shiny disco ball. Here is what the final result with be.

The effect on the disco ball was created by and this is an amazing tutorial on how to get the effect of a Digital Star Effect. I will do this effect and show you how to use it in a shape and change the tones to get your desired effect. 

This could also be used for concert lights or a nightclub poster, serious props to for coming up with this effect.

Lets get started...

Step one: 
Choose an image, any picture that has a bit of detail and a few colours in it will work. * I an using an image of me and friend on halloween because I like it *

Step two: 
Open this image in Photoshop, duplicate the layer and make guidelines like the image below for disco ball shape.

Step three: 
Select the path tool and start to draw your circle as accurate as you can get it.

Step four: 
Press control on your path and copy, then add a new layer and paste it into the new layer. Deselect the image layers.

Now it should look like the image above.

Step five: 
Now you need to add the effect I mentioned above. Click this link and follow the instructions . When you have done this it should look like the image below. I have adjusted the brightness and contrast here to add effect.

Step six: 
Make a new layer and draw a circle that covers your existing disco ball fill it and add a black stroke at your desired width.

Apologies for the random line across it that is not supposed to be there but I think my pc is acting up. So ignore that but now you can see an outline and glow from the disco ball.

Step seven: 
Go to layer adjustments to change around brightness and contrast and hue and saturation until it looks good to you.

Step eight: 
Now go to your brushes and select assorted brushes and click on the star brush number 50 like below.

Step nine: 
Select the white fill colour and dot your stars on where you think needs a bit of sparkle. Add new layer and fill colour it with black so the disco ball pops out and your stars can be seen.

Here is the final design

I hope this tutorial was helpful to you.

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